NACA Celebrates the Chinese Lunar New Year, Year of the Tiger

On the evening of February 06, 2010. the National Association of Chinese Americans (NACA) hosted the Year of the Tiger Chinese Lunar New Year dinner at Canton House Restaurant in Doraville.

In the chill of the early spring season, Chinese lanterns, bamboo greenery, and colorful streamers adorn the cozy banquet hall, announcing the arrival of the Chinese New Year. Shortly after 6 o’clock, the guests gathered, a slice of different nationalities coming together, graciously paying tribute and offering greetings in various languages. The programs, their covers emboldened with the “4708 Chinese New Year” and the word “Tiger” indicated the long history of the Chinese nation and promises a vibrant year. All this shows: Today’s dinner is to celebrate the Chinese New Year, the holiday to which Chinese attach the greatest importance. We are happy to send, in our own way, a letter to the homeland, while celebrating the year’s work with numerous U.S. friends. This is how NACA continues to promote Sino-US exchange in a meaningful way.

The program started at 7:00 pm with NACA Sr. Vice President Lisa Wallace welcoming the guests and introducing notable arrivals. Upon finishing her remarks, the burst of a magnificent drum aroused the attention of the audience: the lion dance had begun! A pair of magnificent lions, arrogant yet playful, jumping as if on a mission cannot but help to elicit awe for the Chien Hong Kung Fu School performers who presented the tradition.

Next, NACA President Patrick Ko extended Spring Festival greetings to the guests and thanked the supporters of NACA. He solemnly introduced several guests: the Chinese Embassy Minister Xie Feng, Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed, and Georgia State Attorney General Thurbert Baker.

To warm applause, Minister Xie Feng commandeered the podium. Guests one after another rose to pay tribute. Minister Xie Feng recalled the past year and the progress made in Sino-US relations, including President Obama’s successful visit to China. He drew upon the “same boat” metaphor to describe the two sides and various aspects of economic and trade cooperation. He finished by thanking NACA whose establishment 30 years ago continues to make a significant contribution to Sino-US cooperation and exchanges.

Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed made a warm speech. He noted that increasing imports and exports between China and Atlanta, and great prospects for continuing cooperation, as both sides grow ever closer. He commented on Atlanta and China’s economic and trade cooperation relations in the new year. Georgia Attorney General Thurbert Baker’s equally wonderful speech placed smiles on the faces of many guests.

NACA Chairwoman Lani Wong opened her speech with “Kung Hei Fat Choi!” or Happy New Year! On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of NACA, NACA’s Board presented to Messrs. Henry Yu, Wei Hu, Andy Wong, three former past presidents, the NACA Leadership Award to recognize and thank them for their outstanding contribution and selfless dedication. Ms. Wong also announced NACA’s further contribution to the community, pledging the collected donations to three organizations, Georgia Perimeter College ($12,500), Good Shepherd Services ($5,000), and the Imagine Wesley International Academy ($2,500).

Honorable guests enjoyed a delicious dinner while being serenaded to classical Chinese instrumentals performed by Tsai Yi-Hsia on the gu-zheng and Jane Wu on the pipa. Entertainment continued during the auction. The party began to wind down some time after 10 pm, though some guests remained for some dancing.

At home, I am still pondering over the wonderful dinner, and there are words still ringing in our ears: “If you want to go fast, go alone, If you want to go far, go together.” Yes, as more and more Chinese come to Atlanta, working hard to take root, they will in the process of blending two different cultures. But in this piece of land out of the beautiful blooming flowers, they will eventually reap rich fruits. As Spring’s footsteps creep closer, we expect the Tiger to be an imposing and vigorous figure, but also a fruitful harvest in the coming year!


正是春寒料峭时节,晚宴会场却是装点一新,暖意 融融。数盏华灯流光溢彩,桌上的富贵竹生意盎然,大红色调的主席台喜气洋洋。

6点刚过,会场已是嘉宾云集高朋满座,衣香鬓影觥筹交错, 各种肤色的人们互相殷勤致意,各种语言的问候此起彼伏。特别值得一提的是,女士们大都身着带有红色元素的盛装,让人大饱眼福。晚宴的节目单也经过精心设 计,封面上的“农历4708年”赫然彰显中华民族的悠久历史,大红色的“虎”字预示生机勃勃的一年。这一切都表明:今天的晚宴是为了庆祝咱们华人最重视的 春节。奔忙一年,我们同饮美酒为彼此洗去疲乏;去国万里,我们欢聚一堂向祖国遥致祝福。更有众多美国友人和我们一起欢庆,而这本就是NACA促进中美交流 的题中之义。

7点,晚宴正式开始。NACA副主席Lisa Wallace女士主持晚宴,并介绍了各方来宾。

随后, 一阵气势磅礴的鼓声让全场为之精神一振:舞狮开始了!一对威武雄壮的醒狮腾挪跳跃着入场。狮子翘首仰视时霸气十足,摇头摆尾时妙趣横生,那精气神儿,让人 不由得为Chien Hong功夫学校的表演者们叫一声“好”!

接下来,NACA主席Patrick Ko 先生向来宾们致以新春的问候,感谢各方对NACA的支持,并隆重介绍了几位贵宾:中国驻美大使馆谢锋公使、亚特兰大市长Kasim Reed先生以及乔治亚州Attorney General Thurbert Baker先生。

在热烈的掌声中,谢锋公使走上了主席 台。来宾们纷纷起立致意。谢锋公使回顾了在过去的一年里中美关系取得的进展,例如胡锦涛主席和奥巴马总统的3次会见以及奥巴马总统的成功访华,并用“同舟 共济”一词来描述双方在经济贸易以及各方面的合作前景。他还特别感谢了NACA自成立30年来为中美合作与交流作出的重大贡献。来宾们屏息凝神侧耳倾听, 听到精彩处爆发出阵阵掌声。

亚特兰大市长Kasim Reed先生也作了热情洋溢的讲话,他指出,中国与亚特兰大的进出口联系日益密切,双方大有合作前景。他对亚特兰大和中国的经贸合作关系在新的一年中取得 新进展充满希望。乔治亚州Attorney General Thurbert Baker先生的致辞同样十分精彩,引得来宾们不时抚掌大笑。

之 后是NACA Board成员致辞。NACA主席Lani Wong女士讲话开场的一句“恭喜发财”让大家开心不已。Lani Wong主席表示,今年是NACA成立30周年,值此良机,NACA决定向Henry Yu、Wei Hu、Andy Wong三位前任主席颁发NACA Leadership Award,以表彰和感谢他们为NACA作出的卓越贡献和无私奉献。另一项重要内容则是NACA今年对三个组织的资助项目,分别是:资助Georgia Perimeter College 12500美元、资助Good Shepherd Services 5000美元以及资助Imagine Wesley International Academy 2500美元。只见获奖者喜气洋洋,颁奖者春风满面,各路记者们镁光灯闪个不停,晚宴的气氛达到了高潮。

各位宾客一面品尝着美味佳肴, 一面欣赏由Tsai Yi-Hsia带来的古筝演奏和Jane Wu表扬的琵琶独奏,期间还进行了拍卖,宾主尽欢,其乐融融。直到10点多,大家才意犹未尽地道别归去。

回到家中,我回味着美好的晚 宴,有句话言犹在耳:“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”是啊,越来越多的华人来到亚特兰大奋斗拼搏落地生根,这个过程中,中美两种迥异的文化日渐交融,在这片土地上绽放出美丽的鲜花,终将 收获丰硕的果实。春节的钟声即将敲响,春天的脚步越来越近,让我们期待虎年虎虎生威,又是一个丰收年!

By: Leona Hu, Translated into English by Andy Wong, Revised by Robert Powers