NACA, CBAA, and ACP Welcomes Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. Cui Tiankai

The National Association of Chinese-Americans (NACA), the Chinese Business Association of Atlanta (CBAA), and the Association of Chinese Professionals (ACP) jointly organized a banquet in honor of a 9-person delegation headed by His Excellency Mr. Cui Tiankai, Chinese Ambassador to the United States. The banquet was held at Golden House Restaurant on July 13, 2013.

Members of the delegation, among others, included: Madam Erwen Xu, Consul-General of the Chinese Consulate General in Houston; Mr. Xiaojun Heng, Minister-Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C.; Mr. Chuanbing Zhang, Vice Consul-General of the Chinese Consulate General in Houston.

Chair of NACA, Mrs. Lani Wong, along with 29 NACA members attended the banquet. In her welcoming remarks, President of NACA – Ms. Hong Wills, introduced the core mission of NACA – bridging cultures, building leaders, and benefiting communities while presenting some of the major activities accomplished by NACA since its inception in 1980.

Ambassador Cui expressed his sincere gratitude for the hosting of the banquet, and highly praised the efforts in the promotion of Sino-U.S. relations made over the years by NACA and other Chinese-American organizations in the greater-Atlanta area. During his speech, Ambassador Cui also briefed banquet attendees regarding the two-day Sunnylands summit meeting between President Obama and Chinese President Xi Jingping in California held between June 7-8.

Around 240 representatives from various Chinese-American groups and associations in the Atlanta area attended the banquet.

全美华人协会(NACA) 同亚特兰大中国商会(CBAA)及中华专业人士协会(ACP)于2013年7月13日在金源大酒楼联合举办了欢迎中华人民共和国驻美利坚合众国大使崔天凯阁下一行9人晚宴活动。陪同人员包括中国驻休斯敦总领事馆总领事许尔文女士,中国驻美国大使馆公参衡孝军先生, 和中国驻休斯敦总领事馆副总领事张传兵先生等。来自亚特兰大侨学界36个团体和协会的近240位代表参加了晚宴活动。

全美华人协会(NACA)主席李秀兰女士以及其他近30位NACA董事会成员和会员参加了晚宴活动。全美华人协会会长孙红女士在晚宴上代表NACA致欢迎词, 介绍了NACA的三大宗旨,并简要回顾了NACA自1977年成立以来围绕这三项宗旨所从事的重要活动。


崔大使向大家介绍了他从4月份新上任以来的基本情况, 并着重介绍了中美两国元首在加州会晤情况。指出这一次会晤是中美关系上史无前例的,会晤不是在首都,而是在一个叫阳光地带的地方,没有欢迎仪式,也没有二十一响礼炮,也不打领带,但会谈超过了8个小时,两国元首就广泛关心的中美双边和国际问题进行了非常深入和交心的会谈, 并达成共识,要共同努力把中美两国关系建设成一种新型的大国关系,不搞对抗,相互尊重,合作共赢

崔天凯大使希望亚特兰大侨学界人士能够再接再厉, 在建立中美这种新型大国关系的过程中,积极参与,勇于奉献。同时,崔大使提出三点和大家共勉:团结,成功,融合。希望侨学界各个团体和华人华侨能够精诚团结,相互合作,争取成为在各自领域里的成功者,努力更多地融入美国主流社会, 为早日实现习近平主席在十八大提出的中国梦作出更大的贡献。

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