Meng Lim Elected Georgia’s First Asian-American Superior Court Judge

Meng Lim, a Chinese-Cambodian, was elected Georgia’s first Asian-American superior court judge.

As a Chinese-Cambodian refugee, Lim arrived in Bremen with his family when he was 9 years old and spoke very little English. His family settled in Bremen, GA where he grew up. Lim went on to be the valedictorian of his class at Bremen High School. He then won a full scholarship to Emory University and another to Mercer University College of Law. In 1998, he returned Haralson County to clerk for the judges on the Superior Court of Tallapoosa Circuit. Later, Lim began his solo practice and became the county attorney for Haralson.

In 2014, Lim ran for an open seat on the Tallapoosa Judicial Circuit’s court. He won 35% of the vote in the May 20th primary election. In a runoff election on July 22nd, Lim won nearly 62 percent of the vote against Chuck Morris. The Swearing-In Ceremony for Judge-Elect Meng Lim will be held at 2 p.m. on January 15th, 2015, by Chief Justice Hugh Thompson at the Georgia Supreme Court. The address is 40 Capitol Square, SW, 6th Floor, Atlanta, GA 30334. Congratulations to Judge Meng Lim! National Association of Chinese Americans (NACA) and other organization will co-host the reception after the ceremony in Judge Meng Lim’s honor.

Meng Lim当选为乔治亚州首位亚裔高等法院法官

Meng Lim是柬埔寨籍华人。当他随家人逃离柬埔寨大屠杀来到美国时,他只有九岁,几乎不能说英语。其后,他们一家定居生活在乔治亚州Bremen。Meng Lim毕业于Bremen高中并代表毕业生致辞,还获得了Emory大学本科和Mercer大学法学院的全额奖学金。1998年,他回到Haralson郡任Tallapoosa 巡回法院书记员,随后开始独立执业,后又被任命为Haralson郡检察官。

2014年,Meng Lim决定竞选Tallapoosa 巡回区高等法院法官。Tallapoosa 巡回区涵盖Polk郡和Haralson郡,位于I-20公路西侧,靠近阿拉巴马州边界。所有认识Meng Lim的人都深深为他的谦逊、勤奋、高度的职业操守和专业素养折服。Meng Lim在他的家乡深受爱戴。竞选期间,他几乎每天都挨家挨户拜访选民。在2014年5月20日的初选中,Meng Lim赢得了35%的选票。7月22日的第二轮选举时,他更以将近62%的选票遥遥领先,击败了竞争对手Chuck Morris。

Meng Lim的法官宣誓就职仪式将于2015年1月15日在乔治亚州最高法院举行。届时,随着首席大法官Hugh Thompson宣布他就任,Meng Lim将成为乔治亚州历史上第一位荣任高等法院法官的亚裔!全美华人协会(NACA)和其他组织共同主办就职仪式后的招待酒会,表示对Meng Lim法官的祝贺与支持。