NACA Mentoring Program Presents Group Session: “Network to Succeed”

Since its official inauguration at UPS earlier this year, NACA Mentoring Program participants have been
participating in their monthly mentoring sessions with their mentors. Feedback from mentors and mentees have indicated that the sessions have proved to be fruitful for all participants.

With formal and informal networks being key to career success and one of the barriers for many Asian-
Americans, a group session regarding networking was held at the office of Greenberg Traurig LLP on Wednesday, May 22nd, regarding developing skills to building and expanding social networks being the topic of presentations and discussions.

This group session presented a panel of experts on networking including:

Henry Yu, Managing Director & Regional Manager (Global Financial Institutions – Asia)
Fifth Third Bank
Lani Wong, Chairwoman
National Association of Chinese-Americans
Jeff Smith, Principal Shareholder
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
Ann Cramer, Senior Consultant
Coxe Curry & Associates

Panelists shared their stories, highlighted the networking lessons they have learned in life and advised how Asian or Chinese-Americans could be equally successful in both building relationships and in their careers.

Panelists addressed the following questions:

  1. What is informal social network?
  2. How do you develop and expand your networks?
  3. How do you leverage the network for your career development?
  4. How can you help others network as well?

This group session was specifically designed for the mentoring participants, all NACA members and other Chinese-American organization members

A reception followed the presentations so as to provide opportunities for program participants and attendees to network and share their insights.



本次集体辅导的主题是如何发展运用人际脉络来帮助职业生涯成功。Greenberg Traurig律师事务所为本次会议提供了宽敞明亮且富有现代气息的场所,与会导师和学员汇聚一堂,畅谈交流。众所周知,人际脉络是通往成功的一大关键。然而,它又是亚裔美国人跻身美国主流社会所面临的障碍之一。而 NACA的一项重要使命正是帮助该项目成员培养社交技能,建立和扩大社交网络。因此,本次集体会议将重点放在人际脉络。

会议上,一个导师小组引领与会者们参与讨论。导师组成员包括: Fifth-Third银行执行总监余振鸿先生、全美华人协会主席李秀兰女士、Coxe Curry & Associates资深顾问Ann Cramer女士、以及Greenberg Traurig律师事务所主要股东Jeff Smith先生。

这四位导师组成员对于建设人际脉络都有着丰富的经验。会议中,他们分享了自己的亲身经历,提醒与会者作为在美华人应如何在不同文化之上构建人际网络,从而在职业生涯中获得更大的成功。余振鸿先生负责主持讨论。他灵活地调动专家访谈,并穿插学员提问,让导师和学员们积极互动。李秀兰女士回顾了她三十多年来服务全美华人协会的经历,指出建设人际脉络不能急功近利,真诚和热情是人与人之间最好的桥梁。Ann Cramer女士谈到了自我定位在搭建人际脉络中的重要性,并认为倾听往往比倾诉更有助于建立良好的人际关系。Jeff Smith先生讲述了他对于建立人际脉络的理解,即要先了解他人的需求,而不是执着于自身的需要。与会学员多为各行各业的年轻职业人士,这些经验之谈对他们来说如同甘霖雨露,启发良多。同时,学员们也提出了许多问题,会议互动十分热烈。讨论结束后的招待会上,与会者们趁此良机继续交流心得,广交朋友,可谓学以致用。


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