NACA Celebrates the Year of the Horse

On the evening of Saturday, January 25, 2014, NACA hosted its annual fundraising banquet at Canton House Restaurant to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New year with more than 300 supporters and friends.

The Honorable Alvin Wong, a DeKalb County State Court Judge, served as the Master of Ceremonies. He provided the guests with many laughs with his wit and humor.

Accompanied by drums, the lion dance began the evening. In the Chinese culture, the lion dance is believed to bring luck and happiness.

Ms. Hong Wills, President of NACA, delivered welcome remarks to distinguished guests and NACA friends. She expressed appreciation for the supports from NACA friends in the past year, and wished all friends good luck in the Year of the Horse.  Mr. Guixi Li, the Deputy Consul General extended greetings and best wishes to all overseas Chinese and friends. Mr. Guixi Li expressed gratitude to those who had contributed to U.S.-China relations, as well as confidence in U.S.-China relations in the new year.

Chairman of the Coca-Cola Foundation, Ms. Lisa Borders made the keynote speech.  On behalf of the Coca-Cola Company, Ms. Lisa Borders donated $10,000 for building young leaders through NACA’s Mentorship Program. DeKalb Interim CEO Lee May, on behalf of DeKalb County and its more than 700,000 citizens, proclaimed Jan 25, 2014 as National Association of Chinese-American’s Day in DeKalb, as NACA set the highest social standard in adherence to its mission statement “bridging cultures, building leaders, benefiting community.”

In extending its mission statement, NACA presented donations to the Georgia Perimeter College and the Good Shepherd Services, in recognition of their contribution to the community. As a dedicated supporter, NACA also presented donation to Georgia Tech’s China Care program to help them raise medical expenses for disabled orphans in China.

Mr. Rengen Li, Board member and Vice President of NACA, gave a special speech about the development of the NACA’s Mentoring Program. In the past year, the Mentoring Program hosted a series of events, from which young professional benefited a lot. In the new year, the Mentoring Program will continue to actively further NACA’s mission statement.

Distinguished guests and friends enjoyed delicious food and wine, stunning song and dance performances, and the raffle and fund raising auction.  The night was wrapped in a warm and festive atmosphere. All the guests and friends were filled with joy and rich festive spirit.

In the coming year, NACA will continue its efforts to promote U.S.-China relations and contribute to the community.





金蛇穿云去,骏马踏雪来。2014年1月25日, 富丽华酒家车水马龙,张灯结彩。没错,又是一年春来到,又是一年全美华人协会举办春节晚宴,和满座高朋一起相约共贺新春佳节。

和往年一样,这次的晚宴特别邀请到了DeKalb郡法院Alvin Wong法官担任总司仪。他发挥法官的威严,将会场主持得井井有条。同时,他诙谐幽默的话语又让全场发出一阵阵欢笑声。



可口可乐基金会主席Lisa Borders女士作主旨发言,向在座嘉宾致以诚挚的节日祝福。她表示,可口可乐公司将一如既往地重视中国市场,并致力于实践优秀企业公民的社会责任。Lisa Borders还代表可口可乐公司向美华协会赞助一万美元用以进一步发展协会的“良师指导”项目,发展下一代成功的专业人士,社区领导。DeKalb郡的Interim CEO Lee May先生感谢全美华人协会为促进中美交往与合作所作的努力,并表示DeKalb郡作为乔治亚州经济最具活力的地区之一,愿进一步加强与中国的合作与交流,共享发展机遇。

全美华人协会历来以“架构文化桥梁、培养未来领导、回馈造福社区”为宗旨,注重扶持社区项目的发展。全美华人协会一如既往,支持Georgia Perimeter College的护士专业培养亚裔和其他少数族裔的护士人才以及Good Shepherd Services的“社区放学后项目”,并赠送了项目基金。同时,美华协会还给乔治亚理工大学的“关怀中国”项目赠送项目基金,以帮助他们给在中国的残疾孤儿募集医疗费。




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