NACA celebrates the Chinese New Year of Sheep

NACA celebrates the Chinese New Year of Sheep

IMG_0030_2On February 21st 350 guests joined NACA at Canton House Restaurant and celebrated the Spring Festival, the Chinese New Year. It has been 35 years since NACA started hosting its Spring Festival banquet here in Atlanta. This year celebration was sold out two week before the festivities, which started with a boisterous lion dance welcoming all the guests.

IMG_0035_2NACA was honored to have the Honorable Li Qiangmin, Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Houston, Congressman Hank Johnson, and Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed at the reception. Guests from corporations, start-ups, government officials and other organization partners were presented the elegant Chinese fusion folk dances and engaged in diverse conversations across functions and cultures. It was truly a very wonderful evening for all.

IMG_0033_2Consul General Li Qiangmin extended his greetings to both the local Chinese community and the city of Atlanta. “I have visited Atlanta for the sixth time in the short time since I arrived in U.S.,” said him. Consul General Li witnessed the prosperity of Sino-American business exchanges taken place in this metropolis and the southeast region. He also recognized the contributions and hard work of the Chinese community.

IMG_0042_2Mayor Kasim Reed said that he has been a long-time friend of NACA since before he was elected. He is grateful for the support of NACA and Chair Lani Wong. In his remarks, he invited the guests to bring along the elements, in addition to the investment, that can be weaved into the tapestry of diversity and inclusion of the city.022615 NACA3

Dr. Mark Becker, the President of Georgia State University (GSU), was the keynote speaker for the evening. With the merger with Georgia Perimeter College, GSU will be able to provide post-secondary education for students from more diverse backgrounds with various needs and capacities. NACA and the community it serves have partnered with GSU in a number of initiatives. It’s believed that the Chinese community in education and business will have its share in GSU’s ambitious expansion.

022615 NACA6Onto the stage was also brought the young professionals and their mentors of the 2014-15 mentorship program. Three mentees from corporate America shared what they have learned in the past year from the mentor and the themed workshops. The recruitment of 2015-16 cohort opened up following the presentation of plaques to the 2014 graduates and their mentors.

In the end, NACA presented grants and scholarship totaling $17,500 to Georgia Perimeter College, Good Shepherd Services and Global Health Action.

As its 35th anniversary is coming, the National Association of Chinese Americans wishes you a year of vitality, happiness, and peace!

By Lingman Guo




IMG_0031_2踏着春风的脚步,带着万物生发的气息,吉羊送瑞到亚城。2015年2月21日,全美华人协会(NACA)隆重举办的春节晚宴如约而至,在Canton House和各界朋友一起共贺新春佳节。


IMG_0010_2DeKalb郡法院Alvin Wong法官担任总司仪,向全体来宾致以热烈的欢迎和诚挚的祝愿。亚特兰大市市长Kasim Reed和来自休斯顿总领事馆的李强民总领事分别致辞,他们都对表示希望促进中美关系发展,增进双方友谊,尤其是中国同美东南地区各领域交流与合作面临重大机遇。Kasim Reed市长是NACA春节晚宴上的老朋友了,在过去5年里他几乎每年都出席。乔治亚州立大学校长Mark Becker作主旨发言,感谢NACA让大家在这个美好的节日里欢聚一堂,以及它作为非公益组织所做的巨大努力。

IMG_0041_2而对NACA来说,回馈社会就是最好的庆祝活动。NACA希望借此春节晚宴良机进一步弘扬其“架构文化桥梁、培养未来领导、回馈造福社区”的三大宗旨。这次春节晚宴上,NACA向Georgia Perimeter College捐赠了一万美元奖学金,向Good Shepherd Services捐赠了五千美元,并向Global Health Action捐赠 $2,500美元。在过去的10年里,NACA累计向Georgia Perimeter College捐赠了10万美元的奖学金,主要用于支持双语护理专业。NACA还支持Good Shepherd Services近20年,特别是其After School Program。过去的10年里,这个项目帮助将近400个孩子上了大学。今年NACA 还将帮助Global Health Action 推广在中国的公益活动。




(全美华人协会 胡冰子)

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