NACA Celebrates the Chinese New Year for Year of the Monkey

On the evening of February 6, 2016, the National Association of Chinese Americans (NACA) hosted the Year of the Monkey Chinese New Year dinner at Canton House Restaurant.

In the chill of the early spring season, Chinese lanterns, bamboo greenery, and colorful streamers adorn the cozy banquet hall, announcing the arrival of the Chinese New Year. NACA’s guests and friends of different nationalities all came together, greeted each other in various languages.

NACA was honored to have Attorney General of Georgia, Mr. Sam Olens, and Deputy Consul General, Mr. Yumin Zhao, to attend the Chinese New Year Banquet. Mr. Olens and Mr. Zhao gave greeting speeches, bringing their best wishes of New Year to all the guests and friends of NACA. Consul Tiehong Zhang attended the banquet as well. Chairman of Fulton County, Dr. John Eaves, President of Atlanta City Council, Mr. Ceasar Mitchell, also attended the dinner and gave proclamation to NACA, expressing their gratitude to NACA’s contribution to the community in the past year.

At the banquet NACA donated $10,000 to Georgia Perimeter College as scholarship, encouraging Chinese students to apply the College’s nursing program. NACA also donated $5,000 to the Good Shepherd Services’After School Program.

NACA is always devoted to providing the best culture exchange platform for Chinese in United States by “Bridging cultures, Building leaders, and Benefiting communities”. It has been 35 years since NACA started hosting its Spring Festival banquet here in Atlanta. Guests from corporations, start-ups, government officials and other organization partners all enjoyed and supported this great and valuable event.




瑞雪迎春,金猴启岁,亚特兰大又迎来了辞旧迎新的美好佳节。2016年2月6日,亚特兰大华人社区的重头戏——一年一度的全美华人协会(NACA)春节晚宴在Canton House Restaurant隆重举行。



DeKalb郡法院Alvin Wong法官担任总司仪,他的幽默主持已经成为华协春节晚宴让人期待的传统风格。全美华人协会会长Ric Hubler先生为各位嘉宾献上了热情洋溢的欢迎

词,祝大家新年好运道。驻休斯顿领事馆副总领事赵宇敏先生、张铁虹领事出席晚宴,并给大家带来春节的祝福。乔治亚州总检察长Sam Olens先生及其夫人亦出席,并对来宾们致以真挚热情的问候。

随后,Fulton County 的Chairman Dr. John Eaves 、Atlanta City Council 的President Ceasar Mitchell先生也先后致辞,感谢全美华人协会让大家在这个美好的节日里欢聚一堂,并特别肯定和嘉奖了过去一年里全美华人协会为社区作出的重大贡献。

全美华人协会春节晚宴历来有一个重要传统,即对社区项目进行捐赠。这次,全美华人协会又向 Georgia Perimeter College 捐赠了1万美元作为奖学金,以激励中国学生

申请该校的护理专业,并向Good Shepherd Services的After School Program捐赠了5千美元。全美华人协会还为Celena Xu颁奖,表彰她在华协历次活动中的付出和贡献。这正体现了全美华人协会“架构文化桥梁、培养未来领导、回馈造福社区”的宗旨。


