Multi-Culturalism at its Finest! (多元文化的最高境界!)

TurnerUno, in concert with Corporate Responsibility, sponsored a stellar event on Saturday, February 19, 2011, at Canton House, to celebrate Year 4709—the Year of the Rabbit.

Guests were greeted by soft jazz playing as they were treated to drinks and delicious appetizers while waiting for the main event. Both ladies and gentlemen were turned out in their finest native and festive dress adding to the décor in the beautiful banquet setting in Canton house which hosted a packed and enthusiastic crowd.

After networking, guests were asked to be seated for greetings by the Mistress and Master of Ceremonies, Xianqin (Lisa) Wallace, and Andy Wong, both NACA board members, who welcomed and extended thanks to the evening’s sponsors and guests. This was followed by musical fanfare which introduced the Lion Dance performed by members of the Chien Hong School of Kung Fu. The colorful costumes and headdresses barely cleared the low ceilings, but the artists managed to turn out an artful and colorful presentation, going over to guests who deposited red envelopes filled with cash into the mouths of the lions, as a token for good luck in the coming year.

The program was short and well-presented. Greetings were extended by representatives of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners, the Office of the Mayor, City of Atlanta, and the Georgian Department of Economic Development. This was followed by Keynote Speaker, The Honorable Consul General Gao Yanping, Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Houston, who braved a rambunctious crowd which continued to talk during her presentation. Following Ms. Yanping’s presentation, Lani Wong, Chair of NACA, awarded scholarship funds to Georgia Perimeter College, Good Shepherd Services, and Georgia Tech CIBER.

The emphasis was clearly on fun and celebration. Canton House excelled in it’s varied menu of soup, five different seafood dishes, mixed vegetables, fried rice, tenderloin steak and house special roasted duck. Dessert was a treat of seasame balls filled with red bean paste, and a coconut topped marshmallow-type puff filled with jang fruit. Everything was delicious, beautifully presented, and well-served. It would definitely be worth returning to Canton House for their regular fare and Dim Sum. Wait staff even offered to pack up remaining food (of which there was plenty) for guests to take home. Throughout dinner, guests were treated to a beautiful performance by dancers of the Cathay Atlantic Art Ensemble attired in splendid costumes and headdresses topped with a tall feather which barely cleared the ceiling in places. Songstress Joanna Jin expertly sang a set of traditional Chinese songs that entertained the audience throughout dessert. It is heartening to see that the Chinese feature dance and song in their events, and to witness the obvious pride and respect they have in their artists. All the entertainers were skilled, polished, and exuded an air of culture, civility, and in the case of the Lion Dance, excitement too.

The finale was a live auction with high end items of cultured pearl necklaces, silver bangles and air fare donated by Maggie Mers, Tiffany & Co, and Air Tran. A host of raffle prizes generously donated by a variety of restaurants, Home Depot, and other businesses were also given away. Afterwards, guests remained for dancing to music provided by a DJ, and more networking.

As a member of TurnerAsia, I was most fortunate to be included in this wonderful evening of harity, great food and conviviality. The National Association of Chinese-Americans is to be ommended for executing such a well-planned event. I personally can’t wait for next year’s celebration!

Written by Diane Adams.

二零一一年二月十九日,星期六,为了庆祝兔年(农历4709年),TurnerUno以及其他一些公司在Canton house饭店赞助了一次杰出的活动。 在等待活动开始时,来宾们享受了现场表演的轻音乐,酒水,和美味的开胃菜。男女嘉宾们穿上了他们最好的民族和节日礼服,让满堂热情来宾的饭店美丽的宴会增色不少。 社交过后,来宾们在主持人Xianqin (Lisa) Wallace和Andy Wong的邀请下入座。Lisa和Andy欢迎了与会嘉宾并感谢了晚会的赞助商。接下来是音乐表演和the Chien Hong School of Kung Fu功夫学校的舞狮表演。表演者们带来了一场丰富多彩的艺术表演。来宾们从狮口递进了装有现金的红包代表来年好运。 整个晚会设计紧凑,安排合理。Fulton County专员和市长办公室,亚特兰大市政府,左治亚经济开发部的代表们致辞之后,尊敬的中国驻休斯顿领事馆领事Gao Yanping发表了演讲。之后,NACA主席Lani Wong向Georgia Perimeter College大学, Good Shepherd Services, 和Georgia Tech CIBER颁发了奖学金。 晚会的重点明确地放在娱乐和庆祝上。Canton House 在他们多样化的菜谱上做出了出色的表现。包括汤,五道不同的海鲜菜,混合蔬菜,炒饭,牛排,和特色烤鸭。甜点是红豆馅芝麻球和椰子口味的棉花甜点。每一道菜都很美味并且优美地呈现给来宾。绝对值得再次光临Canton House并品尝他们的早茶。招待甚至帮客人们打包剩下的食物(有很多)带回家。整个完餐期间,客人们享受了Cathay Atlantic Art Ensemble 舞蹈演员们带来的优美表演。演员们穿着艳丽的服装并戴了高高的羽毛头冠。歌手Joanna Jin在客人用甜点是唱了一组传统中国歌曲。享受中国特色舞蹈和歌曲并目睹艺术家们明显的民族骄傲和尊重令人振奋。所有的表演者都很有经验,着装考究,并且在文化气氛和礼仪上胜出。舞狮表演更是令人激动。 晚会的压轴戏是现场拍卖Maggie Mers, Tiffany & Co, and Air Tran捐献的民族特色珍珠项链,银手镯,和飞机票。抽奖活动的礼品由好些餐馆,Home Depot,和其他一些商家捐助。晚会后,嘉宾们留下来随着DJ带来的音乐起舞和社交。 作为TurnerAsia的成员,我很幸运被邀请参加这个慈善,美食,和欢乐的晚会。NACA真的是举办了一场精心策划的活动。我本人期待着明年的庆祝活动! Written by Diane Adams. 作者:Diane Adams 翻译:许君淘