Lani Wong Represents NACA at the 62nd Annual National Prayer Breakfast

NACA attended National Prayer Breakfast in Washington D.C. , President Barack Obama gave the speech. 应美国国会邀请,全美华人协会主席李秀兰女士于2月6日星期四代表华协在华盛顿特区参加了第62届国家祈祷早餐会。美国总统奥巴马,第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马和副总统拜登出席了此次盛会

Feb 6, 2014, Representing NACA, Lani Wong, Chair of NACA, attended the 62nd Annual National Prayer Breakfast in Washington D.C.

President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama and Vice President Joe Biden attended the event. “This year, President Barack Obama’s address focused on bipartisanship at home and extreme poverty and religious freedom issues abroad,” said Lani Wong. “I’m proud to represent NACA at the National Prayer Breakfast and to have a chance to talk with the political and business leaders about how we create opportunities for a better society.”

The National Prayer Breakfast is hosted by members of the United States Congress and is organized on their behalf by The Fellowship Foundation. Initially called the Presidential Prayer Breakfast, the name was changed in 1970 to the National Prayer Breakfast. This event, which actually includes a series of meetings, luncheons, and dinners, has taken place since 1953. Every president since Dwight Eisenhower has joined the gathering, traditionally hosted the first Thursday in February at the Washington.




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